Playworks at Cedar Hills!






3.6666666666667% Complete
4% to goal
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Keith Ruffolo Image

Keith Ruffolo

About this fundraiser

Cedar Hills Elementary would like to partner with the company, Playworks, to help improve our recess systems and structures to continue to improve student engagement and academic success! The donations provided toward this campaign will help fund the Playworks Team Up program. This level of support would provide a Playworks site coordinator for one week a month for the entire school year. The Playworks site coordinator would be responsible for working with and building the capacity of our recess team to create systems, structures, supervision, and conflict resolution strategies to use with students during recess to increase engagement, safety, and inclusive games. The rationale for this program is that for the past 4 years our office referral data has shown that recess referrals make up for roughly half of our total referrals. Also, this program supports our school district's strategic goals in areas of academics, continuous improvement, and social-emotional learning. The systems and strategies will result in less time transitioning from recess, increased student engagement in recess, decrease learning time lost by the classroom teacher solving minor recess conflicts or administration needing work on more serious safety concerns at recess. The total cost of the Team Up program is $22,000. We have partnered with Oak Creek Foundation to match funds raised up to $7,000.

Who is managing the campaign?

Keith Ruffolo

Campaign updates

Supporters View all

  • $150

    Ranveer Singh and Family

    Mar 13, 2020

  • $200

    Alyousif supermarket (belal jaraba)

    Mar 4, 2020

  • $25

    Marilyn & Damien Traxel

    Mar 4, 2020

  • $25

    Tracey Rahmoun

    Mar 4, 2020

  • $150

    American Family - Robert A. Kilby Agency Inc.

    Feb 11, 2020