by: Adrienne Kiser
This campaign aims to assist in covering the cost of caps and gowns for some of our graduating students. Each set costs around $30, and your donation will go directly toward helping families who may need financial support in purchasing these items. Kwik Trip gift card sales are a part of this fundraiser. Thank you for your support!
Verona Area School District
Verona, WI
by: Laura Marquardt
Field trips and enrichment programs are a great way for students to grow in their learning through interactive hands on experiences. At Sugar Creek, we want to ensure that all students can participate in engaging trips, motivational speakers, and enrichment programs to enhance the learning they do in the classroom each day. While we provide money to classrooms each year, costs continue to rise which inhibits our ability to provide these meaningful learning experiences.
Sugar Creek Elementary School
Verona, WI
by: Heather Thorpe
Verona Area High School's GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance is teaming up with Developing Artists Murals and Alliances, formerly known as Dane Arts Mural Arts (DAMA), to create a mural to represent LGBTQ+ students and the community. The goal of VAHS is to create a community where all students see themselves represented. DAMA does this through mural making where artists divide their attention between creating meaningful works of art and transforming lives. They strive to keep an equal balance between product and process.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Support the Verona Plant Science Classes by purchasing cut flower arrangements made here at school! All proceeds fund class activities and labs! Selection updated weekly. Stop by S1602 to see designs. Pickup or delivery available. *To pay via Classmunity choose donation and enter your information.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Donate to the engineering rocketry program! American Rocketry The American Rocketry Challenge is the world’s largest rocket contest with nearly 5,000 students nationwide competing each year. The contest gives middle and high school students the opportunity to design, build, and launch model rockets and hands-on experience solving engineering problems.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Lynn Vilker
We are raising money for the Verona Area High School’s Model United Nations (VAHS MUN) team. VAHS MUN is an award-winning Model United Nations team. Through participation in interactive simulations, our team provides students at VAHS with the opportunity to learn about the United Nations and world affairs, share their opinions with students from around the world, and become active global citizens. As a member of this team we learn the skills of public speaking, debate, research, writing, and building consensus. On December 10, 2022 our team will attend the MADMUN conference at Monona Grove High School and on February 2-5, 2023 our team will attend Model UN of the University of Chicago (MUNUC) in Chicago, IL. These conferences provide a unique chance for us to interact with ~3000 fellow Model UN delegates from around the state and the world. We are excited about returning to MADMUN and MUNUC again this year after winning many awards last year. However, these trips will cost approximately $400 per student in travel, hotel, and conference costs to attend, an amount not all of our members can afford to pay. In order to allow us to participate, we are seeking your support. In a globalized world, international education is critical to fostering today’s citizens and tomorrow’s leaders. With the opportunity to actively debate international problems and interact with fellow students from around the world, we believe that these conferences will be a uniquely valuable educational experience. Any support you could provide would be immensely appreciated. Thank you so much! Sincerely, Lynn Vilker, VAHS MUN Advisor Eva Perez, Adeline Chvala, and Daniel Christianson Co-Presidents, VAHS Model United Nations
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Amanda Sedlacek
The Families in Transition Program goal is to reduce barriers to school enrollment and achievement so that students experiencing homelessness have a full and equitable opportunity to succeed in school. This fund would be used to provide food or gas gift cards, purchase winter clothing, prevent the possibility of eviction by covering some of the cost of utility bills, hygiene products, school supplies, etc.
Verona Area School District
Verona, WI
We would really appreciate your help in making prom this year fabulous for our students. Please consider a donation to our 2024 Prom for decorations, food and beverage, entertainment, DJ, post prom activities and all around fun for all our students! Thank you so much. We can't do this without your help.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Adrienne Kiser
Beth Steffen was an insightful accomplished educator who believed “literacy was the key to freedom”. She saw potential in every student and knew deep and meaningful relationships were the key to reaching every one of them. Beth often spoke of the"ego-meter" and the importance of humility. She never asked for thanks or acknowledgment for her work, she gave her knowledge and experience willingly because she knew it was morally right. She was adamant about civil rights, justice, equity and advocated for kids. This scholarship will be used for a graduating VAHS senior who meets the following criteria: -Is a first-generation college student with a financial need and/or a student who has overcome obstacles -Is accepted by a 2 or 4-year institution -Is interested in a career in education -Has maintained a high academic achievement -Demonstrates leadership qualities -Demonstrates progress throughout the high school experience
Verona Area School District
Verona, WI
Support the VAHS Horticulture and Soil & Plant classes!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
We need you! The senior class trip is always looking for donations to help pay for busing, venue reservation, food, etc. Any amount will help! Thank you so much!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Quiana Foster
The Verona Area High School Black Student Union’s (BSU) leading pursuit is to ensure the social, emotional, and intellectual development in students of color at Verona Area High School and the neighboring communities. The funds raised will help support our key initiatives that promote educational and personal growth, foster social and emotional well-being, and celebrate culture and heritage.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Laura Marquardt
Field trips and enrichment programs are a great way for students to grow in their learning through interactive hands on experiences. At Glacier Edge, we want to ensure that all students can participate in engaging trips, motivational speakers, and enrichment programs to enhance the learning they do in the classroom each day. While we provide money to classrooms each year, costs continue to rise which inhibits our ability to provide these meaningful learning experiences.
Glacier Edge Elementary School
Verona, WI
Those who bring Sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. We encourage you to consider making a donation to the Sunshine Committee. Your contribution will support our holiday gathering, year-end retirement celebration, and various activities throughout the year.”
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Heather Thorpe
We are raising scholarship funds to help students pay for the New York tour in 2023. For many of our students traveling to New York may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, or at the very least, a first-time experience to see the sites of this major US city, enjoying a Broadway show, a concert at Lincoln Center, or an Opera at the Met. They also experience The Statue of Liberty, the 9-11 museum, the Metropolitan Art Museum, Central Park, and much more. Traveling with peers is an important experience for VAHS musicians. Students in the past have said traveling was one of their favorite high school experiences. They learned a ton and had fun. Other events happening to raise funds: Culvers Night Out (October) Concert Bake Sales Coffee Fundraiser Winter Concert Ticket Sales
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Heather Thorpe
This is our annual fundraising to raise funds for the Music Dept. Scholarships. -Clothing sales -Coffee -Culvers Night Out -Winter Concert Tickets -possibly Bake Sale
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Sue Osting
Your donation will make it possible for the softball team to support an outstanding JV program, as well as to help with expensive equipment needs and repairs. These costs reach far beyond the provided budget. Your contribution, any size, helps ensure this amazing group of girls have what they need for practices, games and a truly rewarding high school athletic experience. Thank you!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Raechelle Belli
Submittal of grant application to PDG Community Innovation Grants in collaboration with other partners to be determined.
Verona Area School District
Verona, WI
Wildcats United (formerly VeronaAid) is a student-led charity at VAHS. This year, we are establishing a food pantry at the high school to help students in need. The plan as of now is to give students food on Fridays to take home for the weekend. Once everything is running smoothly, we might expand that to include 1-2 days a week. All funds received from this campaign will go toward buying food to stock our shelves. To give you an idea of how much food costs, we spent $316 and bought 192 pounds of food from Miller's in Verona. Thank you for helping us address food insecurity and hunger in our district.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Upham Woods is a year-round environmental education center that offers young people an exciting view into the natural world. Its goal is to provide a learning environment where young people gain first-hand experiences in the natural sciences, group living, citizenship and outdoor education. Each year expenses increase and each year we have scholarship requests consistently in excess of $1000. This project aligns with the district mission of EVERY student MUST be successful by allowing ALL students a shared outdoor experience. We find this shared experience bonds our middle schools early in their 6th grade year. This bonds are continued to be built upon through the three year at SOMS. This project expands the traditional classroom learning for all students. Something special happens as the group of students and chaperones rides the bus, hikes all over camp, participating in over twelve hours of outdoor activities, eats meals together family style, and sleeps in cabins.
Savanna Oaks Middle School
Fitchburg, WI
In order raise the funds for to pay for the final issues of the Cat's Eye student newspaper, newspaper staff members will be selling space in the final issue to seniors as "Grad Ad" space. They can be purchased by family or parents for their student, by the student themselves, or by friends to give each other shout outs. Grad ads begin at $10 and price goes up with more space. For a 1/4 page sized Grad ad, the price is $40, as it is 4x the space of a $10 ad. We are choosing to do this rather than clog up our final issues with advertisements from businesses as students will be more interested in reading through the Grad Ads than they would in viewing an overabundance of advertisements. It will also give students and staff members the unique challenge of designing something aesthetically pleasing to be displayed in the newspaper. Additionally, we know that grad ad space was sold out for the yearbook, so this will give students another opportunity to have themselves and their friends immortalized in a VAHS publication! When you purchase a grad ad and your space is confirmed, please email the picture and message you want featured to: Selling for the grad ads will occur over announcements, during lunches throughout April, during class, and online via email. We will do outreach to the community via word of mouth, announcements, emails, and the newsletter. We will sell ads until we have raised all the money we need for the year/our space sells out!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
This is the main fundraising page for VAHS Helping Hands Club. We are extremely thankful for any and all donations, no matter how small. These funds will be used to help refugees in the local community and in Jordan as well as to support the student trip to Jordan for humanitarian aid.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Verona Area High School SkillsUSA and Engineering students will be selling Country Meats snack sticks for $1 each to help with membership dues, conference fees, and travel expenses for the 2018-2019 school year. Choose from 12 "smoked-to-perfection" You can order online or buy them in person at the high school from any of the Technology and Engineering Teachers in the A-Wing. If you order online you can pick up in person at the high school. Depending on what flavors/quantity we have in stock at school it may take a few days for shipping to get your order to the school.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Local business Hardin DD wishes to donate funds to VAHS English department for anti-racist books for the curriculum, as well as funds for the student services department to help meet the needs of BIPOC students.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Kathleen Murphy
Donors Choose Campaign Project #5270403 Application for a second screen to use during distance learning and later in the classroom. Matching funds from Two Screens for Teachers
Stoner Prairie Elementary School
Fitchburg, WI
by: Paul Driftmier
Donations to this campaign will help support the Exploration Academy community of learners by helping fund field-trips, projects, etc., as well as help with recruiting, direct mail campaigns, and similar endeavors.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Dawn Bankers
Verona Area High School is home to a fantastic new Performing Arts Center that will serve VAHS students, and the Verona area community. The facility is furnished with state-of-the-art rigging, lighting, and audio/video control, a scene shop, costume storeroom, as well as auxiliary storerooms, and box office. While these are essential for a professional-level performance venue, so are the smaller pieces for day-to-day operation. This campaign will help address material needs from shelving and organization to set construction and tool needs for the upkeep of equipment.
Verona Area School District
Verona, WI
by: Paul Driftmier
Solicit and accept donations to defray the cost of new advertising postcards.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Emilee Grunow
Ms. G is looking for donations to create an equity-centered gallery wall (art, posters, prints, and frames) so that students who are in the classroom see themselves and their lives reflected on the walls.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Pat Rich
Badger Ridge and Core Knowledge have a thriving music and band department. Kids are passionate about music making and learning and have a great time learning and making music with their peers. Currently the set of timpani students are playing on are ~40 years old and in disrepair. In the Verona Area School District, we strive toward having all students achieve grade level standards, one thing that students need is equipment that will allow them to achieve those academic goals. We are raising funds for a set of 4 Ludwig Polished Copper Timpani with Gauges. Not only will these drums be used for daily Badger Ridge and Core Knowledge student learning, but they will be used for Savanna Oaks Middle School band concerts, in addition to community events and concerts like Verona Area Community Theatre who frequent the BRMS PAC and rent our equipment. Thank you so much for your donation! (Not sure what timpani are? Watch this video!
Badger Ridge Middle School
Verona, WI
by: Sarah Deischer
The Verona Area HS Boys Basketball teams have been playing outside of Dane County and are unable to host home games. Hosting home games enabled us to do a lot of fundraising with program advertising, concession sales and half-time contests. Given we are not able to host, we are hoping to receive some donations from our community and fans to be used to support the program in buying equipment, food for the athletes for the away games, honoring seniors, supporting our coaches and hosting banquets (even if virtual).
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Dear Theatre Supporter, We are currently producing our spring play The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon which runs March 2nd - 4th. The shows begin at 7:30 pm and we will once again be partnering with the High School Culinary Students to provide you with a Dinner Theater experience, opening night only beginning at 6:00 pm Please consider making a donation to the Verona High School Theatre department. As always, to produce a high quality performance and a beneficial experience for all students, it is necessary that we raise funds beyond ticket revenue, so we are asking for your help. Won't you please consider joining us in this effort by supporting our program with a small donation? We hope you can make it to our show. Tickets are available at With Gratitude, VAHS Theatre Cast, Crew and Production team.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
The FFA is holding their Annual Fruit Sale. This fundraiser helps support all the great activities that the FFA completes throughout the year as well as helping send students to Leadership Conferences. The Fruit is scheduled to be delivered to the High School during the first week of December. You will be able to pick up your fruit at the High School. Once the delivery date is determined, we will contact you about the specific pick up times and procedures Please email Jamie Morris ( with any questions. Thank you for supporting the Verona FFA!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Tera Burke
Please join us for dinner and help our NEW Middle School Dance Team in raising funds to build our new team. We are raising money to buy new team items such a uniforms and poms. We are also hoping to help reduce costs of competition registration. We hope to see you there! Please mention the Junior Wildcat Dance Team when you arrive.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
A group of Savanna Oaks 8th grade students have created a desserts cookbook in memory of Addrianna Christianson, a student our school community lost during the summer of 2020. Addrianna loved baking and would often bring her treats in to share with friends and staff. This group of students wanted to create something that would bring them together in celebration of Addrianna's life. Recipes have been submitted by Addrianna's friends, as well as staff at Savanna Oaks. You can order a cookbook online, or purchase one in person with cash or check, at Savanna Oaks. Cookbooks are $15.00 and all proceeds will go towards a positivity space at SOMS. The goal is that future grades will find a spot of positivity and good vibes in our school, in memory of Addrianna.
Savanna Oaks Middle School
Fitchburg, WI
The Verona FFA along with the VASD Social workers are involved with a program called Helping Hands. We are kindly asking if you would be willing to help families in the Verona Area School District who are in need of Holiday gifts for their children. Last year we were able to help almost 400 families through this program. This is our 34th Annual Helping Hands event. We have been so successful in the past because of our community. We are so thankful for all the assistance and support we received from everyone these past 3 decades. This Classmunity page has been set up for monetary donations to the Helping Hands Program. All donations would be used to purchase gifts for children. We always struggle to get enough gifts for the Middle and High School age students. If you would rather donate a gift yourself, you can sign up at: . All gifts can be dropped off at any school in the Verona Area School District or participating business. The collection will run through December 8th. Please contact Jamie Morris at or (608) 653-1125 if you have any questions. Thank you for helping warm the winter spirits and make a child’s Holiday a little brighter!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Adam Stiner
Please reach out to Cory Fulton with any questions!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
The Kids Carnival is an annual event coordinated by Student Council but run by various clubs and teams in the high school. Our goal is to give back to our community that is so supportive of us. Each VAHS group creates an activity/booth for kids aged approximately 3-10. Kids pay $5 and can play at the booths for the duration of the event. The event this year will run from 10 AM-12:15PM. There are over 20 different booths. All proceeds are donated to various nonprofits and/or student scholarships.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Join us in support of those living with autism and those who love someone with autism! We are hosting a 1 mile walk around the high school indoor track. We will have music, photo opportunities, interactive stations for kids and all paid registrants ($20.00 per person) will receive a participation t-shirt (guaranteed if registered by 4/14/2024)! Please add $2 for XL-XXXL shirts. Proceeds will benefit the students with disabilities in the Verona Area School District. *New this year, we are donating an extra $100 to the school in the VASD district that has the most participants! If you are unable to attend the walk, please show your support with a donation. We hope to see you there! When is the event? Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Amy Otis
This is an online location for parents to donate funds towards the 2024 fifth grade party and T-shirts. All monies raised will go to purchase t-shirts for every learner as well as for items to make this the most memorable and epic event for celebrating this years graduating 5th grade class. Thank you for your generosity.
Glacier Edge Elementary School
Verona, WI
by: Joff Pedretti
Your donation will make it possible for the track and field to sustain the many expenses we incur to run a very large program with high-cost equipment needs. Due to big ticket items the average annual expense for our team is nearly $6,000 which exceeds our budget of $750 from the athletic department. In 2022 alone we purchased over $20,000 of equipment for our new facility. Your contribution helps our diverse group of team members have what they need for practices and host meets. Thank you!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Kristen Murdock
Thank you for your generous donation to the VAHS Girls Track and Field Program! Your contribution directly supports our athletes in having the best opportunities to be successful. We could not do this without you.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
Dear Theatre Supporter, We are currently producing our spring play Our Town. The show opens February 29th with performances at 7:00 pm on February 29th, March 1 and 2 and a matinee at 2pm on Saturday, March 2nd As always, to produce a high quality performance and a beneficial experience for all students, it is necessary that we raise funds beyond ticket revenue, so we are asking for your help. Won't you please consider making a monetary contribution? Your contribution directly supports VAHS student's theatre productions. Tickets sales and school budgets cover only half of the cost of our shows; the remaining half must come from donations. We count on the passion of our students to create the show- and the contributions of you, our patrons and business partners to make it all possible. We could not do this without you! Thank you for considering a donation to VAHS Theatre. You can use this site to donate via credit card or simply mail a check to: VAHS Theatre Dept. 234 Wildcat Way Verona, WI 53593. No amount is too small and if you would prefer to make monthly contributions, Classmunity also offers that option. Additionally, if you are interested in contributing by placing an ad in our show program please send your ad copy to: before February 15th. All donors names will be posted in the lobby at our performances and acknowledged in our show program. Friend ($1 - $99) Acknowledgements. Patron ($100 - $249) One-eighth page ad. Sponsor ($250- $499) One-quarter page ad and 2 reserved seats. Producer ($500 - $999) One-half page ad and 4 reserved seats. Partner ($1000 plus) Full page ad and 4 reserved seats. We hope you can make it to our show. Tickets will be available soon. With Gratitude, VAHS Theatre Cast, Crew and Production team.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Adam Stiner
Dear Verona Area Wildcat Football Parents, FEES: One check will need to be turned in during the meeting on August 12th. The amount is $150.00 and is made out to VAHS Football or through CLASSMUNITY (Please Note: This is NOT the athletic fee paid at registration). $150.00 breakdown = Football Wearables ($75.00) and Touchdown Club dues ($75.00). If a family cannot afford all, or some of the charges, we will provide scholarships or allow other families to donate $20-$150 to cover the cost of another athlete. What will the VAHS Football dues provide for your son? Coach Riley has included a list of the many items and activities provided throughout the season that will benefit your son. The Touchdown Club dues go toward mini-camp meals, pre-season snacks, post-game meals, half-time snacks, home game dinners, end of the year materials, and senior gifts. Volunteer Activities! Please bring your calendars as sign-up sheets will be posted for events listed below: ∙ Servers and a variety of food items are needed for team dinners (provided during home game weeks). ∙ Freshman, Sophomore yardage chains, clock, announcers ∙ Spirit Wear Table volunteers during home games . GO WILDCATS! 2024 FOOTBALL FEE BENEFITS **$150.00 Spirit Pack/Booster Club Fee Varsity Players Receive: 4 Day Mini-Camp ($100.00) Wear & Tear Equipment and Uniform Replacements ($110.00) Practice T-Shirt ($20.50) Playoff/Conference Champs T-Shirt ($10.00) Practice Shorts ($23.50) Mini-Camp Meals ($65.00/total) Team Bonding Meal ($8.00) Pre Game meal each week (5-8 weeks) (>$81.25/total) Highlight Video ($50.00) / Team Plaque ($26.00) / Senior Mini-Helmet ($25.00) Individual Game Videos ($50.00) Team Building Night Meals ($7.50) Photographer ($7.50) HUDL ($10.00) Endzone/Sideline Film ($15.00) New Practice Pads ($15.00) Total: $624.25 per player Junior Varsity Players Receive: 4 Day Mini-Camp ($100.00) Wear & Tear Equipment and Uniform Replacements ($110.00) Team Plaque ($26.00) Practice T-Shirt ($20.50) Playoff/Conference Champs T-Shirt ($10.00) Practice Shorts ($23.50) Mini-Camp Meals ($65.00/total) Team Bonding Meal ($8.00) Pre Game meal each week (5-6 weeks) (>$81.25/total) Highlight Video ($50.00) / Team Plaque ($25.00) Photographer ($7.50) HUDL ($10.00) New Practice Pads ($15.00) Total: $501.75 per player Freshman Players Receive: 4 Day Mini-Camp ($100.00) Mini-Camp Meals ($65.00/total) Wear & Tear Equipment and Uniform Replacements ($100.00) Practice T-Shirt ($20.50) Playoff/Conference Champs T-Shirt ($10.00) Practice Shorts ($23.50) Pre Game meal each varsity home week (5 weeks) ($81.25/total) HUDL ($10.00) New Practice Pads and Shed ($30.00) Total: $440.25 per player Average Benefit per Player in Program ~$522.10 Based on need, any family can request a full or partial waiver on fees.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Adam Stiner
JV Booster Dues $120 and Varsity Booster Dues $180
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
The FFA is holding their Annual Fruit Sale. This fundraiser helps support all the great activities that the FFA completes throughout the year as well as helping send students to Leadership Conferences. The Fruit is scheduled to be delivered to the High School during the first week of December. You will be able to pick up your fruit at the High School. Once the delivery date is determined, we will contact you about the specific pick up times and procedures Please email Jamie Morris ( with any questions. Thank you for supporting the Verona FFA!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
The Verona FFA along with the VASD Social workers are involved with a program called Helping Hands. We are kindly asking if you would be willing to help families in the Verona Area School District who are in need of Holiday gifts for their children. Last year we were able to help almost 400 families through this program. This is our 35th Annual Helping Hands event. We have been so successful in the past because of our community. We are so thankful for all the assistance and support we received from everyone these past 3 decades. This Classmunity page has been set up for monetary donations to the Helping Hands Program. All donations would be used to purchase gifts for children. We always struggle to get enough gifts for the Middle and High School age students. If you would rather donate a gift yourself, you can sign up at: . All gifts can be dropped off at any school in the Verona Area School District or participating business. The collection will run through December 8th. Please contact Jamie Morris at or (608) 653-1125 if you have any questions. Thank you for helping warm the winter spirits and make a child’s Holiday a little brighter!
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Adam Stiner
Booster Club Fee
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI
by: Tera Kjendlie
Junior Wildcat Dance Team is looking to raise money to sponsor their tuition for competitions for the 2024-2025 season. Donations will also help reduce costs of additional items needed for competitions.
Verona Area High School
Verona, WI