2020 Summer Meals Program

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About this fundraiser

Food insecurity impacts 1 in 5 families in Dane County. Our village has diligently supported the efforts of the McFarland Food Pantry, but the summer months create an increase in usage by families with school aged children. This project would provide nutrition support for 30-40 students who attend Summer School during 5 weeks in June/July. Students would be confidentially invited through referrals from CEPS/WIS guidance staff and social workers.
Students would be enrolled in Summer School classes over the course of the 5 week program offerings. Each morning upon arrival for classes, students would check in with office staff at WIS to pick up their "Meal Pack". Each pack would contain a breakfast item, a beverage (milk or fruit juice), a sandwich or other protein item, several snacks, fruit and a small treat (cookie, fruit snacks, etc.). This pack would be created to sustain students for 2 meals a day. Additional funding available will go towards the creation of supplemental food packs to be distributed at the end of the summer school session &/or providing support for students enrolled in 6-8 summer programming.

Who is managing the campaign?

Dodi Kuehl

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    Knowing you helping a child in need this summer!

    Letters acknowledging your donation will be sent out by June 1.


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