by: Stacy Stoecklein
Welcome to Germantown High School's Environmental Club Fundraising page! We are very excited to share that the club is trying to get several projects off the ground this year. Over the last several years, funds have been mostly allocated to making our school's courtyard accessible and functional for use by students. With that completed, our efforts are shifting toward the landscape and beautification within the courtyard, and this includes the construction of a greenhouse. The goal of the greenhouse is to provide hands on learning experiences in a variety of courses. Picture construction courses building the structure, science courses growing the plants, family and consumer education harvesting and cooking with the grown products, business courses marketing and selling products, and art courses capturing the beauty of it all. Other projects the Environmental Club has in motion include: - Funds for tree planting in the spring. - Funds for maintenance of our trails around the school ponds and the gazebo (our outdoor classroom). - Funds that allow our club members to provide donations to organizations that support conservation and protection of wildlife and wildlife areas. We hope that you can see the importance of raising money for these causes and the satisfaction that it brings to our members that they can make a difference!! Thank you for donating!!
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Stacy Stoecklein
This 5K Fun Run is organized by the Germantown High School's Environmental Club. What better way to celebrate the end of Earth Week then by getting some outdoor movement in! This family friendly event will have a running clock but no formal chip timing will occur. Check in starts at 10 am the day of, and the run will start at 11 am. The route starts and ends on the Germantown High School track (located within Datka Stadium). There will also be activity stations run by various high school clubs and concessions and raffle prizes for purchase throughout the event. If registered by March 31, event registration will include a t-shirt and snacks post run. If registering after March 31 there is no guarantee that t-shirts will still be available. All proceeds are going towards funding a Greenhouse for Germantown High School.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Taylor Wilch
Class of 2027- buy your Homecoming t-shirts!!
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Taylor Wilch
Class of 2027 homecoming t-shirts
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Sara Lundbohm
Class of 2028 Homecoming Class shirts for the Oct. 2nd Spirit Day The shirts will be Bright Yellow, not the pale yellow shown in the image.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Luke Vosters
Senior Class Shirts and Powderpuff Shirts that will be worn on Class Shirt Day: Wednesday, October 2nd.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Matt Stuve
Girls basketball t-shirt sale
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Stacy Stoecklein
This 5K Fun Run is organized by the Germantown High School's Environmental Club. What better way to celebrate the end of Earth Week then by getting some outdoor movement in! This family friendly event will have a running clock but no formal chip timing will occur. Check in starts at 10 am the day of, and the run will start at 10:30 am. The route starts and ends on the Germantown High School track (located within Datka Stadium). There will also be concessions and water bottles for purchase, music, and activity stations after the run. If registered by March 31, event registration will include a t-shirt and snacks post run. If registering after March 31 there is no guarantee that t-shirts will still be available. All proceeds are going towards funding a Greenhouse for Germantown High School.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Diane Seramur
Staff shirt option to wear on Class TShirt Day, Wednesday, October 2nd!
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Jessica Jacklin
The funds raised will be used to purchase a new Attack/Serving machine, Setter targets and other miscellaneous equipment. Funds are also used to help with awards and season banquet. We are hoping that each player in the program can raise at least $140 each so we can exceed our goal. Thank you for considering to make a donation to this group of Athletes and future athletes of program.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Sara Lundbohm
Class of 2028 Powder Puff Shirt Order Shirts will be Bright Yellow not pale like the image.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Mary Bykowski
Hi!! We are the Queens of Chaos! Charlie, Harper, Olivia, Caelyn, Sydney, Addison & Dakoda. We are a Destination Imagination team from Germantown, Wisconsin. We competed in the regional and state tournaments and placed 1st in both! NOW We need your help to get to Global Finals in Kansas City, Missouri on May 22-25 to compete against teams from all over the world. Destination Imagination is a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) based program. This year we chose to solve the improvisational challenge. Our hope is to raise enough money to make it to Global Finals. Thank you so much for supporting our team!
Germantown School District
Germantown, WI
by: Mary Bykowski
The Amy Belle Elementary School Destination Imagination team “We Forgot” is advancing to the Global Finals Tournament in Kansas City. This team, made up of 3rd and 5th graders, chose the Engineering Challenge and won first place in both the Sectional and State Tournaments. The opportunity of going to Globals is often a once in a lifetime event. Please consider donating to help the team pay toward the $5500 registration fee. This will definitely be an experience that they will NEVER FORGET!!!!! Thanks so much for your support!
Germantown School District
Germantown, WI
by: James Davis
Cost: $80 CHECKS MUST BE WRITTEN OUT TO GERMANTOWN HIGH SCHOOL Ages: 12-14 Equipment Needed: soccer cleats, soccer socks, soccer ball, shin guards, and water Equipment Provided: camp shirt Google Form: You must fill out this form to get a camp shirt. How To Register: First, please fill out the google form above. After, click the donate button to make your payment. Description: Germantown High School Players and Coaches invite you to join us for the "Warhawk" Soccer Camp. The camp will be focused on introducing you to the Germantown culture. We will strive to work on the four moments of soccer throughout the week: in possession, defensive transition, out of possession, and offensive transition. Daily topics for the week include: ball mastery, shooting, passing, receiving, and defending. Technique is followed by the daily camp contest. Each day will conclude with campers competing in MLS and World Cup matches. Round robin play highlighted with the tournament on Thursday with special awards.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: John Julka
Senior Class Homecoming Shirts
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Carolyn Solie
Junior Class Shirts and Powderpuff Shirts that will be worn on Class Shirt Day: Wednesday, September 20.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Robert Huss
It's time to yell "fore", shoot 6, and write down 5 on the scorecard! Come join us on the course at Blackstone Creek Golf Club in Germantown for our first ever golf outing for the Germantown Girls' High School Soccer Program! Details: - Blackstone Creek Golf Club N112W17300 Mequon Rd. Germantown, WI - August 25th - 5:00pm Shotgun Start (9 holes) - Catering by Trible B's Pricing: $30 = Dinner Only /per person $75 = Golf AND Dinner /per person Hole Sponsorship Opportunities starting at $50. Please contact Chad Rogowski at to get set up! As of now, we are hoping to get at least 30-40 golfers out on the course with us. See you there!
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: James Davis
Cost: $80 CHECKS MUST BE WRITTEN OUT TO GERMANTOWN HIGH SCHOOL Age: 9-11 Equipment Needed: soccer cleats, soccer socks, soccer ball, shin guards, and water Equipment Provided: camp shirt Google Form: You must fill out this form to get a camp shirt. How To Register: First, please fill out the google form above. After, click the donate button to make your payment. Description: Germantown High School Players and Coaches invite you to join us for the "Warhawk" Soccer Camp. The camp will be focused on introducing you to the Germantown culture. We will strive to work on the four moments of soccer throughout the week: in possession, defensive transition, out of possession, and offensive transition. Daily topics for the week include: ball mastery, shooting, passing, receiving, and defending. Technique is followed by the daily camp contest. Each day will conclude with campers competing in MLS and World Cup matches. Round robin play highlighted with the tournament on Thursday with special awards.
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Mary Bykowski
These 7 Silly Skittles need your help! They have been working hard over the last six months on this year’s Destination Imagination challenge. These amazing sixth and seventh graders have had to study improv techniques, acting skills, teamwork and learn what a Glamorous Surfer might look and sound like! Their hard work and dedication have earned them a spot a the coveted Global Finals for DI in Kansas City. But they need your help to get there, please consider donating or sponsoring these talented young people and DI; every little bit helps! Thank you so much for your support! Chloe, Chris, Will, Hadley, Eliza, Danielle and Mehetabel.
Germantown School District
Germantown, WI
by: Mary Bykowski
Hello, we are the Crab Kickers, Destination Imagination Fine Arts team from Germantown High School in Germantown, Wisconsin. What is DI? DI is an international STEAM program that helps students like us learn many skills like problem-solving, teamwork, public speaking, and much more. Our team has competed at Regional, State and have qualified to compete at Global Finals in Kansas City, Missouri May 22nd -25th, 2024. How can you help? The cost for Global Finals registration is $5500. This doesn't include our travel, hotel or food expenses. That is $787 per team member. By making a donation to our team, you are helping us get closer to covering the cost of registering. This is our final competition of the season. Thank you so much for considering making a donation to our team. We appreciate any and all support you can give! Carson, Cassie, Drew, Kendra, Maddie, Maddie, and Timmy
Germantown School District
Germantown, WI
by: Amy Wagner
Come support Germantown Girl's Volleyball! Fundraising helps the athletes have an amazing experience with fond memories to look back on. Funds raised would go toward gear, HUDL streaming and statistic services, the banquet, and future program events and awards. All money raised benefits the athletes. No amount is too little! Please consider donating to the Lady Warhawks! Sincerely, Head Coach Amy Wagner and Staff
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: James Davis
Germantown Boys Soccer Family, Friends, and Fans Thank you so much for taking the time to view our fundraiser. Your support means everything to Germantown Boy's Soccer and allows us to provide an excellent experience for all our athletes. Raising money for extracurricular activities is very difficult, but we only ask you to contribute if you can. Funds raised would go towards new team shelters, new gear, VEO game recording equipment and services, and senior banners, blankets, and rewards. Also, planning for all future program events and awards. All money raised benefits the athletes. Please consider donating to the Germantown Boy's Soccer Program! Sincerely, Germantown Boy's Soccer Coaching Staff, Current Warhawks, and all future Warhawks!
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Ryan Schroeder
Join us for the 2nd Annual Germantown Girls Soccer Golf outing. All of the proceeds go directly back into the program to help continue to provide for the girls and their athletic experience at GHS. Last year because of this golf outing, the program was able to purchase 2 new uniform kits, new bags for Varsity and JV, and we are looking to continue this process. Looking into this year, we are in need of new Stadium jackets and items to enhance the training environment at Germantown High School. So, it's time to yell "fore", shoot 6, and write down 5 on the scorecard! Join us for golf and dinner or just dinner, you choose! Details: - Blackstone Creek Golf Course - August 9th - 5:00pm Shotgun Start (9 holes) - Dinner to follow around 7:30 pm and being catered by Trible B's Pricing: $30 = Dinner ONLY /per person $80 = Golf AND Dinner /per person Hole Sponsorship Opportunities starting at $75. Please contact Chad Rogowski at to get set up! We had an incredible time last year and know that the spots will fill fast. As of now, we are hoping to get at least 36-40 golfers out on the course with us. Thank you for your continued support of the Germantown Girls Soccer program! See you there! Germantown Girls Soccer Staff and Players
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Mary Bykowski
The County Line Elementary Destination Imagination team "Dino Dogs" took 2nd place in the Improv Challenge at the Wisconsin Affiliate Tournament and qualified to go to the Global Tournament in Kansas City, where they will have the opportunity to compete against and interact with teams from around the world. Now they just need to get there! Please help them raise the funds they need to pay the $5500 registration fee for this amazing experience and the final opportunity to showcase their hours & hours of practice & research.
Germantown School District
Germantown, WI
by: Scott Schubert
Welcome to the 2025 Powerlifting America Wisconsin State Championship DATE OF EVENT: January 18, 2025 VENUE: Germantown High School W180N11501 River Lane, Germantown, WI 53022 Enter through the Field House on the west side of the building and follow the signs to the Main Gym. We will have 16 warm-up stations available and all lifting must be done on those 16 platforms. Please note that the warm-up area will utilize pounds. REGISTRATION: Full Power Entry Fee: $110 Coach/Handler Fee: $10, one coach/handler per lifter Competition T-shirt: $25, preorder only Additional Division: no additional divisions Registration Deadline: December 27, 2024 No Refunds. **All questions require answers, please put "N/A" for any that do not apply to you.** DIVISIONS: Classic and Equipped Sub-junior (14-18), Junior (19-23), Open (any age), Masters I (40-49), Masters II (50-59), Masters III (60-69), and Masters IV (70+). WEIGHT CLASSES: Women: 43 kg, 47 kg, 52 kg, 57 kg, 63 kg, 69 kg, 76 kg, 84 kg, and 84 kg+. Men: 53 kg, 59 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg, 83 kg, 93 kg, 105 kg, 120 kg, and 120 kg+ ELIGIBILITY: Registrants must show proof of membership and registration on the day of the competition. No qualifying total is necessary to compete; registration is open to all experience levels. SCHEDULE: The Wisconsin State Championship will be a 1 session meet on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Multiple platforms and flights will be dependent on registration. Doors open: 6:30 AM Athlete Registration & Weight-Ins: 7:00 AM - 8:30 PM Competition Starts: 9:00 AM AWARDS: To be determined by registration RULES & REGULATIONS: Please refer to the IPF rulebook for rules of performance, competition guidelines, and approved equipment. Only lifters and coaches/handlers will be allowed in the warm-up and competition areas. Wristbands must be worn at all times. ANTI-DOPING: This competition will abide by the anti-doping policies of the IPF. SPECTATING: Spectators will purchase their tickets at the door. Cost is $10, children 5 and under will be free. CONTACT: Meet Director: Scott Schubert Please email with any questions or to make any changes to your registrations. BY REGISTERING FOR THIS EVENT YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: I agree to release the Germantown School District, its representatives, agents, and employees from all liability for any claims, including negligence, resulting from participation in the 2025 Powerlifting America Wisconsin State Championship which will be held at Germantown High School. I understand and assume all risks and dangers associated with and involved in powerlifting and powerlifting events, including, but not limited to, illness and injury resulting from strenuous physical exertion, injuries from falls, and the risks associated with activities in the weight room, competition floor, and competition platform. I will also abide by all Germantown School District policies pertaining to this event. I hereby waive my right to bargain over the terms of this waiver. *** Lifters under 18 must bring registration ticket with parent/guardian signature, as well as the lifter's signature, to the event and show during registration.***
Germantown High School
Germantown, WI
by: Mary Bykowski
Hello, We are Team Insert Cash or Select Payment Type and the Destination Imagination (DI) Engineering team from Kennedy Middle School in Germantown, WI. Our team....cha-ching....took 1st place at the WI State Tournament and earned our way to the Global Finals in Kansas City, MO on May 22-25! Our team created two modular devices that would launch bean bags, designed costumes, and built a set to accompany their original storyline. They spent countless hours brainstorming, creating, building, testing, and practicing to make their way to Globals. The team registration fee for Global Finals is $5500 and does not include transportation, hotel, or food expenses. Please consider making a donation to our team. Thank you for supporting DI!
Germantown School District
Germantown, WI